The Innova DX Leopard is a great beginner friendly fairway driver that is understable. It should be everyone’s first driver as it is easy to throw straight and far and has excellent glide. The Leopard is a great turnover disc for players of all skill levels. More experienced players can use the Leopard for throwing distance-stretching “Hyzer Flip” shots. Especially as it ages, the Leopard makes a dependable long range roller.
It is a great choice for a straight line driver, an all around driver, anhyzer shots, rollers, beginner's first driver, and as a young disc golf player's first driver in lighter weights. Highly recommended beginner friendly fairway driver.
DX discs are affordably priced and provide an excellent grip in all types of weather conditions. Over time, DX discs will take on new and varied flight characteristics that stem from their use. They start out more overstable, but with use will match the flight ratings. With continued use, they'll eventually become more understable than the ratings.
About Color and Availability - Pictured above are some available DX colors. This model may not be available in all of these colors. Likewise, each weight range may not be available in all colors. Therefore we ask you to list and prioritize your color preferences and to give us guidance if the color or weight range you want happens to not be available. Feel free to contact us if you need more specific info.
Speed 6, Glide 5, Turn -2, Fade 1